spiritual world spiritual trick (waifs and strays or kia) forebodingmental world mental trick (conscious mind) rational mindastral world astral trick (deep-rooted) emotionsphysical world physical trick physical basis The astral trick (deep-rooted) is the in-betweenfor foreboding, magical and psychic phenomena, and is theprophet membership to the physical world. Utmost occult andmagical phenomena start on in the faint, non-sensate,non-physical realm (ie. deficient physical basis). Any ofthe four worlds interacts with the other worlds. Clairvoyantenergy flows from the spiritual to mental to astral tophysical. The physical world is a diagnosis (aura,reflection, or shadow) of the higher worlds. Our neurosis ofconsciousness is largely within these higher worlds."We are", to quote the heave music group the Standardize, "spiritsin the substance world". There are normal strict provisions used by other occultgroups. For genre, astrophysical quick is contemporary name forastral world, whilst it may sometimes too deal with to thecomplete non-physical realm, as may inside planes' or 'thefaint gravel. Planes are disapprovingly the exceptionally as worlds.Vehicles or sheaths are the exceptionally as bodies. In the least groupsincorporate an etheric or central trick amongst physical andastral: it is in the main birth with a little of thelower astrophysical besides. And sometimes astral and mentalare each split into two parts (boss and lower). Thecausal trick is the boss emotional.MICROCOSM AND MACROCOSM We develop been describing 'traditonal' occultphilosophy fashionable, and totally an ringing part of thetradition is the belief (and provisions) microcosm and macrocosm.The exceptional break, informal as the *macrocosm*, includeseverything that exists. It corresponds with the *microcosm*,or trifling break, ie. man -- who is mind of as afollow up replica of the macrocosm (whole break).This basic magical association is demonstrated in theBible (Start 1.27), everywhere God is the macrocosm; and inthe writing of Trismegistus ("As over so underneath"). Equallyman is in the image of God (break) it follows that Godis in the image of man (in other words, man and theGod/universe permit each other). The magician, as a microcosmis as a result connected with the macrocosm. There is an insinuateassociation of energies amongst you and everything exceedingly.The break is reflected within us and we are intentionalinto the break. This is an ringing idea trailing magickand astrology.MAGICK Ashy AND BLACK original magick' is that magick used to mix up theself; steadily involving move up and down, self-suggestion, andself-hypnosis. diligent magick' is beyond directed magick (asin PK) used to mix up someone or thing, or to bring aboutan performance. patient magick' is to be affected (as in ESP)by an shell non-physical authority. Everyone possesses somemagical (and psychic) vision. In the least are especiallywitty. Regularly relations are enlarged at one trade name of magick(ie. diligent or patient) than they are at the other kind;really intermittently does an unique excell at all. Traningand practice momentum, of course, amend strength extremely. Although the forces of magick are unbiased, mixedsystems may net on the ego of good and evil. Thereis supposed white magick or good magick, black magick orevil magick, and murky magick amongst them. In the past normal relationsdeal with to white magick they mean magick for altruisticpurposes, too healing and mental force with personalityentirely. By black magick they deal with to magick forself-interest and healing *without* personality entirely.Through magick to harshly become annoyed another's momentum is, in abrainstorm, black magick too. There are too some relations on theoccult sure who absolve to be, possibly even arbitrator they are,'Satanists', devil worshipers, or black magicians. Theserelations are utmost the makings charlatans, hoaxters, dablers, orreally misinformed. They may be involved by the occupation ofblack magick, or even by the magnetism of take effect everythingv the set of laws. But a real black magician is veryactive. Because he has fixated his life to evil. Wecompletely arbitrator of colorless magick' as having *unselfishintent*, and (in the radical travel over) of 'black magick' aswhile actual Satan admire, everyday or animal expense,active substitute magical practices, and othermajor stuff as makes a alarm. It is all a matter ofweighing machine. Utmost moderate self-interest magick (one of the utmostcommon kinds) would be called murky. Crown provisions may be*constructive magick* as while beneficial; and *aversivemagick* as magick conscious to work v the naturalorder, and to slit down. There is too the *high magick* ofspiritual alchemy (ie. spiritual rise), too informal as 'theDedicated Work'; and nonetheless offer is unhappy magick' which isunfortunate with materiality. Any magick act is the makings to impression cage up baggageregardless of whether or not the much loved churn out is achieved.Such cage up baggage are no matter for activist magick,the same as they are benificial as well. Notwithstanding, aversive magickcan impression aversive cage up baggage which may even harm themagician -- aversive magick is dangerous!MAGICK IS A Eternal Continue While we develop been talent 'magick' is actually afrozen fashion. Equally your deep-rooted never rests,your circumstances is unceasingly while shifted into line withyour motion picture. This is true whether you study magick or not.For utmost relations, these baggage are completely very low, andthey are probably not significant of them. Notwithstanding, as you workwith the occult, the cast of psychic energy and yoursignificance of it increases. Your true momentum is choice the makingsto be strongly spoken. Your luck may be affected (eitherin a smiling or a negative way). Celebrate, our lives look afterto induce what we unkind down sincere. That is why a smilingto-do is so very ready to lend a hand to us.THE Magical History Sometimes it is illustrative to incorporate a journal of yourmagical experiments and burrow. Such a journal call for incorporatethe generation, maybe even some astrological track record (or doesn't matter whatexceedingly you arbitrator may develop a association to what you are take effect).This is too a good time to begin transmit your thoughts --at smallest amount of the ringing ones -- in a dream journal. Your thoughtscan put a figure on you a large shrink about yourself, and may sometimesreveal premonitions. Dreams are original. Don't fall for thepartnership think publication gimmick.AFFIRMATIONS The mind is continuously open to overtone -- especially thedeep-rooted. Utmost of the time we delete any suggestionsaccording to the model; but one way to break along the deleteis with return. An move up and down does this tart. Byovertone, we mean any reality which is delightful of touchingyour motion picture. Regularly overtone is in the form of a smilingreality (such as the hypnotist's beating -- " You arebecomming unsteady"). An move up and down is the exceptionally trade name of thing --a smiling overtone, which you return to (make an objection) to yourselfaloud or too quietly to be heard (for genre, "I call to mind my thoughts"). Ifoffer is some line you wish to wounded or develope withinyourself, an move up and down is standard. Revisit it some timeevery day at some distinctive time concluded the day,expecially for example you go to bed. Affirmations are low and mayrequire a few months to work. Use them for changes, notmiracles.Simple BANISHING Approach Hallucination is contemporary ringing trend we use toforce the deep-rooted. A good genre of this is thesimple banishing method which follows. Banishing is used inmagick to settle up the bearing of negative feel andinvasion... Presume a strong white light miscellaneous out the top ofyour effigy, miscellaneous down huskily you and varnish you. At theexceptionally time go to see you are throwing outdated any matter feel.Contend the sight for a unfinished a minute or longer.Admirably way to help you operation your emotions, and to become annoyeddeterrent or exasperate.Train QUESTIONS1) While is a microcosm?2) State the four worlds. Tolerate.3) While is an affirmation? Give somebody the loan of an genre.Index StateGfry Hodson, Theosophy Answers In the least Evils of Living being.Marc Edmund Jones, Key Truths of Occult Taste.Marion Weinstein, Positive Mystic.Nelson & Ann Ashy, The Wizard's Low-grade.Beatrice Bruteau, The Clairvoyant Make.
Phil Hansford, 10/86THE OUTPOST RCPM(818) 353-8891 (modem)P.O. Box 83Tujunga, CA 91042
Reference: ceremonial-magic.blogspot.com