http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/god-speaks-dark-cabalBy glr Andrea - Posted on 11 June 2012God Speaks on the Dark Cabalby GLR Ree
My beloved children of light. I come through now to inform you of the tremendous accomplishments of the light. Many of you are waiting for my plan to be unveiled. As the months have passed I have seen many of you grow frustrated at the seeming lack of forward motion of the lights presence on earth. Many of you rely on the word of people working in this field.
There are souls who have agreed to assist in the exposure of what is really happening on earth. These souls have brought you truths from a political and economic level. many have put there lives and names on the line in order to firstly accommodate the changes on a physical level and also bring forward information to you dear awakened ones.
I am asking you now to place your heart centre and awareness with the countless souls who have worked behind the scenes on a physical level in assisting my plan in coming to fruition. Give thanks to those who have dedicated their lives to freedom on earth! I come through now with an update on current affairs and to confirm that which is coming to awareness amongst you dear awakened ones.
The dark cabal have surrendered to the light. As always and with all beings detained by the forces of light they were given a choice, redeem yourself in the light of God or be detained and rehabilitated until you can see the light of your own heart. Each and every member of the dark cabal on earth is receiving the appropriate assistance aligned with their choice.
There is no judgment in spirit and there shall be no judgment on earth. The prayers of The Mother for forgiveness and the return to light of the souls who have strayed have been answered. I am asking you now to view the souls of the dark cabal with the love and compassion you would give any other.