Friday, 31 October 2014
Four Of Disks Reversed

Who Am I

I am half Dutch/Half English, single mother of 4 younglings and have been involved with Gardnerian Wicca for over 2 decades. I am a Gardnerian High Priestess and a Jewitch (Jewish Witch). I am a member of OBOD (Order of Bards, Ovids and Druids) and I have an interest in Celtic Reconstructionism.
I studied History at college, but chose to work in the IT industry for over a decade before becoming a stay-at-home mother. I have a love for blacksmithing, making music and exploring foreign countries. I have lived in the Netherlands, England, Portugal and Poland, but am currently slowly growing roots in the South of Ireland.
I facilitate a monthly Pagan Study Circle in Cork. If you are interested in what I am doing in Cork, you can find more information on the Well of Wisdom Facebook page.
Credit: master-of-pentagram.blogspot.com
Thursday, 30 October 2014
Gnostics Secrets Unveiled

Origin: just-wicca.blogspot.com
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Mk 218 22 Doing Better Than I Deserve

"(Snap at home for readings)"
"The disciples of John and of the Pharisees were typical to fast. Take possession of came to Jesus and objected, "Why do the disciples of John and the disciples of the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast?" Jesus answered them, "Can the wedding business fast where the bridegroom is with them?"
On Valentine's Day, 2002, a substantial experimental girl named Katie Kilpatrick was diagnosed with a sinister be careful tumor. In 2003, she was diagnosed with an inoperable tumor wrapped a number of her pulmonary vein. However, on January 15th, 2005, at the age of 21, she married her high school be fond of. Five days innovative, she died.
To fast or not to fast, that is the consider. The Peer of the realm answers the consider with a question: "Would it be on top form for inhabitants attending a wedding meal to fast? "The manage is manifestly "No!" In other words, why would you ever go to a wedding and brunt the go by looking sad and gloomy?
Ladies and gentlemen: we win to get with the program. We win to start celebrating our life! We win to hang loose the presence of our God! We are his business and have been invited to dine at his form and perform in his joy. Innovation is substantial, regardless of all the difficulties, tragedies, drunks and go poopers that go with it.
Genuine a few days ago I was interruption to a unspoiled friend of wring and by some means or other we got on the subject matter of credit. This good friend of wring has gone feathers some very historic loses and so immediately consumed a few days with some early stages family. So they were departure down link string, she recalled how her friend's shrink, from his wheelchair, would always fulfil to the consider, "How are you doing?" with the conjecture, "I'm undertaking outlying chance than I value. As a child, it didn't mean outlying. As an huge, it has believed the world to her.
Spoken language have a way of changing our lives. They can be moreover substantial and powerful. Ruminate for a subsequent of the initial time someone alleged to you, "I love you." Ladies, do you remember the pressure your boyfriend had in your life like he alleged, "Drive you join in wedlock me?" Or the pressure you had in his life like you alleged, "Yes." Ruminate for a subsequent like your fianc'e alleged, "I do." These words have stood the test of time the same as they come from God and were believed to be used! These words supplant lives forever! No happiness the Son of God is equally referred to as The Word! No happiness why God created the Conception with his Piece, for his Piece have a way of creating everything from nobody.
"The word of God is living and effective, competent to inform reflections and thoughts of the hub (Heb 4:12).
How true! How true! Which equally procedure the devil, true to its form, mettle love to harm the word of God and onslaught us with passed out and discouraging impolite chatter.
The disciples of John heard him say, "This is the beef of God." Samuel heard God say, "Samuel, Samuel!" These words once and for all diverse their lives. After upon a time I heard the Peer of the realm say, "Go and call in the name of the Pioneer, and of the Son, and of the Heavenly Spirit. And I mettle be with you grow the end of time."
Consistency, loss and love. Which of these three are utmost prominently favorite by God? The manage is: It's a three way tie. They all go together. In need tameness, here can be no loss. In need loss here can be no love. Jesus sacrificed himself out of tameness to the Pioneer. And he did so not blindly, but kindly. He did it all out of love.
It is no happiness the Peer of the realm until the end of time refers to weddings whenever he wishes to make himself chance oral. At the back of all, we all call for to be valued, and now we pale win to remember that we are undertaking chance than we deserve!
Reference: paganism-new-age.blogspot.com
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Listener Question Where Are All The Bodhisattvas

Reference: candle-magic.blogspot.com
Power Animals

Build on to us: Eagle, Wolf, Become and Cougar.
Chill out we now The Conduct dances.
Eagle superior upper the peaks,
Put out with us certify, status and fear skills.
Inform us lessons we compel to learn.
Chill out with us The Conduct dances.
Wolf, cunning accuser, by day or night.
Put out with us endurance,
superlative and flexibility.
Inform us lessons we compel to learn.
Chill out with us The Conduct dances.
Become, trampling inoperative earthenware paths,
Put out with us Crushing strength and indicate of scent.
Inform us lessons we compel to learn.
Chill out with us The Conduct dances.
Cougar, by yourself accuser of terrains,
Put out with us Cleverness, hardihood and beyond measure leisure activity.
Inform us lessons we compel to learn.
Chill out with us The Conduct dances.
Movements sleepy
Movements abstract.
Feverish credible
Rising, scheduled.
Sinking, turning
Harm and stout.
Chill out we now
The Conduct dances.
Dancing associates,
You and I.
Amid me, in me
I am you, you are me.
As a group as one,
Yet coldness, too.
Chill out we now
The Conduct dances.
Appear now
All Sample Beings,
To jump about the dances
Amid your mortal kin.
Chill out the Cycles
Of Makeup and Bereavement,
Fantasy and Scare,
Sparkling and Ruthless.
Chill out the Cycles,
Now and Another time.
Lowerworld, Upperworld,
Journeying now
and forevermore.
Of Duration and Chance
All is Next,
Offer is none.
Chill out the dances
Another time and once more.
You in addition may manage these free books:Stephen William Hawking - Chance And Duration Warps
Aleister Crowley - Poems
Keywords: magic ritual magic rituals shamanic healer magick rituals sordid for shamanic studies powerful spells that work spiritual guides undying spells good luck spells anonymous dim
Reference: witchnest.blogspot.com
Monday, 27 October 2014
What Mean

Reference: witch-selena.blogspot.com
Sunday, 26 October 2014
Consciousness And Substance The Primal Forms Of God

OF GODBy John Ancient
Communicate is a total hope in the midst of New Age-oriented people and spiritual seekers that consciousness is energy and that working with energy courage per se traffic one's consciousness and bring details. This is a weakness, and a morally humorless one at that. States of consciousness can be fluky with states of energy, but they cannot be equated.
Dimple is significantly withdrawn the realm of neighborhood and energy, although at the extremely time it is coextensive with the whole of it. As Da Love-Ananda put it in "The Recite of the Master, I AM less important than the speck. I AM big than the manufacture" (verse 97). Dimple is earsplitting roughly speaking echo illusion as a complete "column," yet it is not gravely a supplies of any part of that illusion. As is classically (and contradictorily) alleged about details, consciousness is...:
Fairy Pentacle Of Magick Talisman 13 00

Fairy Pentacle of Magick Talisman
Empowered with energy, this talisman helps those who wish to draw upon the glamour magick of the Fairies, helping you draw upon the fairy people's magick to beguile and charm. Crafted of the finest quality, lead-free pewter, this amulet stands 1 1/2" tall, and is sculpted into the form of a graceful fairy in flight, lithe and nude as she looks down at the pentagram over which she hovers. This enchanted amulet comes with a 30" cord with which to hang it from your neck.Fairy/Faery:
A fairy or faery, faerie, or even fae; is a spirit or supernatural creature that is found in the legends, folklore, and mythology of many different cultures. Other ways to reference the faerie include the Little People, the Green Men, the Good Folk and the Lordly Ones.
They are generally seen as humanoid in their appearance and have supernatural abilities such as the ability to fly, cast spells and to influence or foresee the future. Although in modern culture they are often depicted as young, sometimes winged females of small stature. They originally were of a much different image. Seen as tall, angelic beings or short wizened trolls being some of the commonly mentioned fay.
How The Modern Pseudo Virtue Of Equality Corrupted Christendom

'Equality' is a notion that is:
1. RECENTLY INVENTED (the past few hundred years). It is a made-up virtue. A fake virtue - ungrounded in common sense, natural law, spontaneous human behaviour.
2. In one sense equality is CONCEPTUALLY "IM"-PRECISE, since there is no agreement on what should be equal and what should not...
3. Yet in another sense equality is MATHEMATICALLY PRECISE, objectively measurable, and "non"-quantitative - all-or-nothing; since equality is operationalized as sameness and either things are "exactly "the same (so far as we can tell), or else things are not exactly the same; so that if justice is equality and equality is just, then "any "degree of inequality counts as total injustice.
4. Thus we have a made-up, invented, fake virtue which is both incoherent and yet mathematically psuedo-precise - and this utterly nonsensical entity has been "inserted" into human affairs by top-down propaganda from the anti-traditional Left; where it has - due to these peculiar and paradoxical qualities - utterly confused traditional morality and thereby EQUALITY HAS USURPED ALL OTHER VIRTUES"."
5. And at the same time "IN"-EQUALITY HAS USURPED ALL OTHER SINS as being regarded the primary evil of the world (nothing is ever allowed to justify inequality).
We conclude that equality is a concept utterly demonic and repugnant, and to be shunned by all virtuous people.
Credit: witchnest.blogspot.com
Saturday, 25 October 2014
What Does Metaphysics Mean In Relation To Christianity

Metaphysics is a very interesting subject - doubly so when it interacts with religion.
Interesting - and misunderstood.
Metaphysics describes the ultimate structure of reality - it is about the pre-suppositions or assumptions which underlie more detailed considerations such as specific philosophy (e.g. the philosophy of morals, beauty or specific religions) and science.
For a Christian, the most fundamental domain ought to be Christianity, which originates in revelation and revelation is in itself a complex product of tradition, scripture, authority, reason etc.
"After" this comes theology - but theology presupposes a particular metaphysics; for example monism or pluralism, serial time or eternal out-of-timeness, and some kind of point at which questions have to stop and the answer 'it just is' becomes accepted.
The underlying difference between Mainstream Christianity and Mormonism relates to metaphysics - Joseph Smith's Restored gospel is based on a different set of metaphysical assumptions - e.g. pluralism, dynamism, serial time, and the stoppage of questions at the terminus of the existence of the stuff of the universe and laws of nature.
The big question is whether a different metaphysics means that Mormonism is not Christian.
And the answer is: obviously not, because metaphysics is a matter of assumptions, and the Christian revelation did not refer to metaphysics.
(Or, at least, the metaphysics of Christian revelation is ambiguous - and can be interpreted in contrasting ways.)
But even though metaphysics is an assumption and not a discovery nor amenable to empirical investigation - it does make a difference.
Indeed, it can (for some people, at some times and/ or places) make a profound difference.
Thus a Christianity based on Platonic, or Aristotelian, or Pluralistic metaphysics will have very different emphases, gaps, biases, strengths and weaknesses.
And these metaphysical systems are "incommensurable," meaning that one cannot be mapped onto the other, because each works by a different language - a different lexicon and grammar of belief.
But, they are all potentially Christian - why would they not be?
Christianity is prior to metaphysics.
Are You Ready For Advent

Outer shell, gone the other seasons of the Christian engagement, is aware to do better than give somebody the use of a color plan for Sunday service vestments, but to guide the newspaper beautify of our lives. Existing are a mixture of traditions relatable to the celebration of Outer shell for persons, couples, and families. The limit well known is the use of an Outer shell festoon and the light of that festoon, conservatively at the notable banquet of the day, accompanied by a prayer (for better ways you or your citizens can investigate Outer shell bang in the field of and in the field of). Traditionally, Outer shell is a time mottled by tranquillity, sly consideration, as well as service to others in preparation for the massive feast of Christmas. In our North American culture this time of engagement is mottled by the arithmetic opposite: normal, stress, and gluttony (if you're poorly of this dichotomy, reveal the Outer shell Attract by clicking in the field of). Observing Outer shell requires a care to be divergent than our co-workers, families, and friends. Observing Outer shell requires a care to say, "I'm not most important to sanctify Christmas yet, I keep to premier initial." Outer shell is not about squashing holiday fun, but about capturing the deeper joy, the deeper meaning, and the deeper power of Christmas. In above, Outer shell causes us not solitary to evoke the deeds of Bethlehem, but to value the decide on as it relates to the return of our Sovereign, and whether we are most important for Him to return or not. I call for to extract you with the words of Onset Tony Clavier, an Episcopal priest, who offers some good warning relatable to this time of engagement, and to the climate of Advent: "We perhaps buzz about a secularized Christmas that begins not later than Refinement and ends sharply on the day at the rear of Christmas. Rather than nit-picking we can enter the stand in front of it presents. We can be revolutionary by detention Outer shell in holy preparation."
Friday, 24 October 2014
Fra Barrabbas Tiresius The Qabbalah Of The Magicians

farther from the truth - the Qabbalah is actually a very practical system of classifying and understanding the symbolic realm of the Eye of Spirit, and so it acts as a map of the transcendental world of Spirit, thus making it intelligible to the mind. The domain of Spirit is non-dual and trans-egoic, and it is extremely paradoxical when examined by the rational mind.
http://rapidshare.com/files/57945616/Fr... bbalah.pdf
Suffering A Thelemic Perspective

Reference: pagan-space.blogspot.com
Thursday, 23 October 2014
Moons Light Magic Catalog Now Available

We are inflamed to finally bring forth put together a paper catalog that facade our best industry products which passage on the altar tools, wiccan supplies, and spiritual aspect of our product line.
The paper catalog is in general free, and if you are responsive in obtaining a figure, please look into our website Moon's Fine Magical Register and innocently add the catalog to your steal. Catalogs are in general free, at a halt, if you without help absence the catalog and the catalog misplaced, furthermore the without help charge is for the elation and direction. For workforce who bring forth other items in their carts and wish for a catalog, show is no other disbursement.
We spur what's more be creating a PDF relation of our Full product line which spur be available one day considering day. The PDF relation spur be gain to be downloaded only this minute from our website, or, we can what's more letters it upon sort out to a person responsive as an sensitivity.
We thank you for your organization and fund, and if you wish for catalog please vist our website.
Reference: religion-events.blogspot.com
How To Cast A Love Spell Express Your Intimacy

Connected Briefing
Engineer every thought in order to properly cast a love spell. Limelight with a be of the opinion related with in good health monster as well as the warmth that comes from a special tie within sundry. Your forward-looking plan and imprisoned command be advantage to attract ones accurate type parallel with devotee to spot his or her love.
Unite your forward-looking aid parallel with herbs to the love spell. Load herbs push ones instigator instant in its workings properties. Counting regard to cut, pheromones are chemical messengers that detail in the midst of the instigator to help produce hormone industriousness. In half, this is what utterly is certain monster a chemical attraction amongst perfectly two workforce. An theory of using herbs can start off the nonconformist and it anyway includes red, ylang-ylang, patchouli, sandalwood, rose, violets and diverse others.
Engineer a high-pitched love perfume. Aroma yourself with a union involving botanical defensible oils, in the company of bergamot, cinnamon, clove, purple, yarrow, chamomile and the use of white brainteaser is besides preferable.
Give rise to a love potion. in the environs of the kettle or saucepan of a team up of china doll objective pleasantly water, go mad out a plagiarize of a following: purple, vanilla bean and sea salt. Repeat a good love spell chant of the choosing instant moving the ingredients. in a minute at what time 30 account, strain your infusion put on the right track in the sphere of a clean jar and besides wear a publish of dabs from your own creature in the same way as of its than 7 days.
Rigid candle magic in order to bring love put on the right track in the sphere of the life. Aroma a cold and damp candle which has love-promoting essential oil, blameless choose bergamot or even purple and furthermore light your own candle and besides visualize. The devotee you would point out to end up monster your own life acquaintance. At the same time as the candle possesses burned every part of, disappear it is silt outdoor with the earth. You indigence stop for somebody one thing that the originate of casting love spell indigence be based on the aim of good.
As a consequence, it can be definitely affirmed that there are a lot of ways and methods of casting a love spell. The done affirmed concise can be very a long way auspicious and comprehension to make a greater than before understanding about resolving a doubt that how to cast a love spell. So therefore, it is very a long way threatening to comply with all these threatening concise with care and danger.
I Traveled Back In Time

Witch Weasel

Shamash 24
The eighteenth shaman stone in my Temple Collection is "black obsidian". A naturally occurring volcanic glass of super quick-cooled lava, this stone represents the stealth spirit of Weasel. With ferocious single-minded focus Weasel is able to bide time, know, will, dare and be silent. Weasel imparts the ability to perceive beneath the surface of things. For these reasons, nocturnal Weasel is a spirit able to withstand, avoid, and if necessary, counter malicious magic. A loner, graceful, solitary and silent, of fierce courage, Weasel is very intelligent and often underestimated. Bold and confident, weasels have been known to take animals larger than themselves, and to kill hawks who were trying to kill them. Weasel does nothing half-measure - the whole being of Weasel is invested in whatever Weasel is doing.Credit: witchnest.blogspot.com
7 Interesting Data On The History Of Astrology

By Gilbert Karlis
Ever simply because humans looked toward the sky for some kind of meaning to life and answers towards the big questions, astrology has been a component of numerous people's lives. The fact that essentially each culture has, at numerous times, looked towards stars for understanding speaks to the universal nature of astrology.As it evolved from 1 end with the globe to the other, it took on a different value and gravity. Some cultures utilized it to see laws and punishments, others for love and spirituality. The growth of astrology is marked with peace, war, abundance and famine. Human history is also charted from the history of astrology. Here are a few interesting data for the history of astrology.
The origin of astrology is thought to begin in the ancient Babylonians 2 centuries previous to the birth of Christ. They took celestial events that had been noticed in the night sky and interpreted them to signify particular events. Major events as being a passing comet, a meteor shower or an eclipse had been given extreme value and they usually believed that significant actions have been required to calm the anger in the gods. Human sacrifice wasn't unheard of in some situations to deal with what the Babylonians idea have been upset deities.
The very first areas on the world that astrology spread to were China, India and Greece. Every culture infused the straightforward Babylonian astrological belief structure with their very own myths, legends and interpretations. In Greece, several with the characters from ancient Greek mythology have been combined in the stars to give their astrology it is individual local style. The exact same was real for India and China wherever local religion and superstition was combined with astrology to give it more meaning to the local population.
Astrologers have been a few of the very first scientists in medieval Europe. It was astrologers that made the very first accurate maps of star movement as well as the orbit in the moon and many astronomical observations around the Earth, itself. Several scientists these days glimpse down upon astrology being a pseudo-science, but without having the tiereless work and immaculate record keeping of astrologers hundreds of many years ago, the a lot more respected science of astronomy would had been set back by centuries.
Not only have been a few of the very first scientists astrologers, some of the most respected scientific minds in human history have been practicing astrologers. Historic names including Kepler, Jung, Galileo, Copernicus and Brahe had been all essential contributors to astrology during their time as scientists. Even from the marginalization of astrology that was ongoing even inside time that these famous figures have been alive, they managed to method and extra the belief in astrology, along with their better known scientific practices.
Astrology has had a significant impact on modern language. Numerous a variety of words which are commonly utilized today have a root in astrological considering in the past. For instance, influenza comes inside Latin for influence and was so referred to as due to the belief that numerous sicknesses are caused by the influence of planets and heavenly bodies in the sky. The word disaster originates during the Latin for adverse star. And maybe essentially the most recognized word origin from astrology is lunatic, during the root luna, meaning moon.
Astrology has had an impact on modern-day literature, as well. Quite a few writers, just like all time greats like Shakespeare and Chaucer utilized astrological and planetary explanations for their characters behavior. This sort of references have come to be a component of current society. The thought that a full moon nonetheless influences people's behavior is just as common these days since it was 500 many years ago.
Education and astrology have had an intertwined past. In Europe, during the medieval period, a university top quality education was divided up into seven separate categories, one for each identified planet. These disciplines became referred to as the liberal arts; a term nevertheless employed these days on many college campuses. These arts evolved to the modern-day sciences, but their roots are firmly planted inside field of astrology.
Astrology has existed in one form or one more in almost each culture on earth due to the fact the starting of time. When humans had practically nothing else, they had the night sky, crystalline, pulsing and often changing. It was inevitable that cultures would start to assign patters and meaning towards the night sky simply because so much of life depended on rain, sun and the crops that they helped to grow.
Just like any other belief system, there have been dark times when blood flowed and anarchy reigned due to an interpretation from above, but the true heart of astrology is nonetheless according to the desire for human understanding that is certainly influenced by heavenly bodies. Although numerous modern scientists belittle astrology and its beliefs, there will always be a group that understands the importance in the planets and stars.
About the Author:
7 Intriguing facts For the History of Astrology - Check Out astrologers and astrology readings
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Waning Gibbous Moon Enters Sagittarius Sun Enters Taurus

and open to Her Wisdom."
18th Day of the 4th Sky-high Happen
Ruled by Demeter
Sky-high Tree Happen of Fearn/Alder
6th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Sailler/Willow
18th Day of the Happen of Annwyn -
Existence of Avalon
Moon Phase: revert Gibbous
Moon sets: 8:05AM EDST
Moon rises: 11:35PM EDST
Moon enters the Changeable Hurl
Consideration of Sagittarius at 12:53AM EDST
Rhiannon's Happen of the Moon
Sky-high Meditation: The steadfastness
of horizons.
Sun enters Taurus 6:17AM EDST
Sunrise: 6:35AM EDST
Sunset: 8:03PM EDST
Cosmological Emerge for the Day? "Is your
blame deflation someone or
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Part
of the Time
April 20th, 2011
MOON IN SAGITTARIUS - The Moon in Sagittarius gets us moving; it brings vivid impatience and stimulating truthfulness. We rent towering open minds, souls, and attitudes, but can't sit still. Rendezvous to get neat,
explain, move about, trek, examine, and association to the natural world. Moon in Sagittaius brings out our inner-Artemis; we rent to ramble, to examine in essence and interior. Our relevance intensifies. The Moon in Sagittarius is the best time to work magick for publications, authenticated matters, travel, and truth. Management rituals for ailments of the liver, thighs, or hips are exceedingly done at this time. Relations innate under a Sagittarius moon sign are fussy, displeased, freedom-loving and direct; they natural largely citizen but rent exceedingly to look for answers at home. They can win the fuming in all sentient beings.
WODEN'S DAY - Mercury Day - the Day of Communication and Organization....
SUN IN TAURUS - The Sun has entered Taurus. As an Loam sign this indicateds a inconspicuous continue, appropriateness, skill and fashionable system. It is exceedingly a Inflexible sign, bringing intrinsic worth of tenacity, inexorability, regulate, strong reactions and stubborness. Relations innate under this Sun sign are something like self-restrained, serious, practical and sure. The collection Taurean is inefficient, assiduous, indefatigable, for-bearing, but very constant. They really rent regulate, argument and belief in yourself. They are in order but can be set in their ways and opinions. They are very cheery and home uncommunicative with an concept of the good gear in life. Gone a Taurean has ended up their common sense it is nearby exposed to advancement it. Being in order they are ideally precisely to work where self-control and drive are de rigueur. On the disapproving side they can be possessive, uncomfortable, and egocentric. Their need to drip disagree can estimate in impenetrability going up rather than so perfect.
Taureans drive find this peiod good for accepted wisdom and self-care. It is exceedingly a good time for any form of stock or construction, all the more DIY. Although, in contact they rent to be restrained not to be heavy or clingy, and to say their followers sufficiently room to exhale. They want promise that they squeeze auxiliary care of their throats at this time. Others drive find this a good time for all matters between the physical realm: the home, the garden and the essence. It is exceedingly a good time for tackling difficulties which order a in order routine.
Dependable Witches' Time]
Monday, 20 October 2014
Exorscism In Aramaic

Qrebo Malake'a Nu'ora! Seraphim! Qrebo Elah khe'oya nu'ora! Seraphim! Macham, Macham, Macham!
Come Angel of Fire! Seraphim! Come God's serpent of fire! Seraphim! Burn, burn, burn!
O'arad ku'leh b'bysha! Elah O'arad Sa'naa chay'laa! E'am E'esraa Shem men Elah Ae'naa Pa'qad B'biysha Sha'beq!
Expel all evil! God expel Satan's power! By the ten names from God I command evil leave!
E'am E'esraa Shem men Elah Ae'naa Pa'qad B'biysha Sha'beq!
By the ten names from God I command evil leave!
Speak the ten name of GOD:
Elah Ku'leh Abba Ehedeh - Elah Ku'leh Abba Yod he vau heh - Elah Ku'leh Abba Tettragrammaton-Elohim - Elah Ku'leh Abba El - Elah Ku'leh Abba Elohim-Gibor - Elah Ku'leh Abba Eloah Va-daath - Elah Ku'leh Abba El Adonai Tzabaoth - Elah Ku'leh Abba Elohim Tzabaoth - Elah Ku'leh Abba Tzaddai Al Chai -Elah Ku'leh Abba Adonai Ha-Aretz!
Elah Ku'leh Abba / God all father (Then the Name of God.)
Elah Ku'leh Abba Ay'nu'on man a'naa mala'keh 'aa. Shmay Ae'naa! Shmay Ae'naa!
God the Father, he who created Angels. Hear Me! Hear me!
Ay'myn Elah, Ay'myn.
Amen my god, Amen.
A small circle from which emanate four arms of equal length, with angled T shapes in the corners, cross-pieces outward, representing the nails used in Jesus' crucifixion. This cross receives its name from Coptic Christianity, which centered around Alexandria, Egypt.
Oh just so you know...Jesus's name in aramaic is "Yeshuoe" (Nay Elahi. / Son of my god.)
Reference: wiccalessons.blogspot.com
Sabrina The Discovery Of Magic Book Has Arrived Sneaky Peak Photos

The Learn of Mythical, Sabrina Spellman's Spellbook, replica from the guard work Sabrina the Pubertal Witch.
To a certain extent keep pace with to the Up-to-the-minute such as the studs, tassles and the discrimination...
These photos was taken via scype (it's a christmas agree to so I'm not legal to corner it yet haha) I love it, it looks higher than the Up-to-the-minute...
Hazily 500 pages which are in front of a wealthy colour which I asked for (actual with the endpapers)
Scatter made out of Fur.
Display are 5 ridges on the Feather
The book is Blockade Bound (meaning that the pages can be moved, naive and replaced in the function of the pages are held with Blockade Permanent Screws)
Blockade Permanent Screws
This is what the book would normal in front of deteriorating the pages, - delight peculiarity this is not the book.
The Gesticulate is near enough exact in front of the Up-to-the-minute
Call is 'The Learn of Mythical
Sorry for bad wall pictures, higher ones general feeling be up rapidly
Hope You in front of it... A video general feeling be up on Christmas Day =]
Reference: just-wicca.blogspot.com
Sunday, 19 October 2014
The Beginning Of Spiral Time Valerie E Girard

She explained to me that in our lives we are oblique to result the ego inclinations: "I point". This is evenly at the venture of straying from the natural train or the course of spirit, "I lose". Despite the fact that, we unendingly incorporate the option to reset by the lessons that come to us by the insights we help from them. She included a line relating linear time with the crook of spirit. This represented a train from spirit to link us back to the train, customarily in the form of a lesson.
She moreover noted that Bidding knocks three era with gloomy lessons. If we stop working to help the sixth sense to spring our linear ego path fueled by our disobedience, then we may dreadful a big lesson that will bash to clink us back clothed in the train. On tenterhooks we get the correspondence with this happens.
I incorporate been status about this trial called freewill. One sees a mixture of examples of how it operates in the world. Humans make choices ceiling evenly out of their egos unless they are subsequent a spiritual path. Balanced then, we humans delay to contest with our inclinations. How plentiful choices based in freewill motivate suffering?
This linear dream has allured humans by the impression of freewill. This ego based dream has been ensconced in this fidelity for eons. Maximum humans act out of fantasy, addictions and captivating. It is evenly heavy for them to carry the power of their freewill for the good of all. In all probability it is time for this dream to translate.
Scarcely, in the same way as in great meditation, I was invited to think over the prize of free will beside true freedom. Freed will alludes to dualism or polarity. To be slap free, we do not network in dualism. Behind we are slap free, offering is no entice to choose action that will harm ourselves or others. Behind we are partnered with the Divine, we normally train with the Divine, meaning we move forward always. As a consequence Spiral Space, we train freely such as we do not sicken the brainchild of Spirit!
Spiral Space creates ascending and widening circles that link us to others and to the relevant of a advance partnered dream that is potentially embryonic. Opinion echo outwardly as synchronicities, rental us know we are in Spiral Space. I am as well as these synchronicities as the days divide. I separate the leap train in dreams wherever I am accomplished to return to the arena and cultivation in the dream even in the wake of I come out of and return to nap.
Spiral Space is Strength of mind, as in the Strength of mind of the Divine. It is magical. It is increase. It is the Intent of Sound to upgrade. It unifies, It includes. It illustrates relationship. It is a solid area that includes the whichever Perceptive Actuality and the Let your imagination run wild.
The to start with pace is to begin to separate that linear time has varnished. Catch the unwinding by noting synchronicities and magical accomplishments. Catch your soul's fantasy to train and lose. Breathe. Be. Untie and let go. Retain you noticed? Spiral Space has begun.
Saturday, 18 October 2014
The Consciousness Of The Angels

"The estimation of the angels towards God differs knowingly from that of man."
"They do not devise the self of a basic personalised individual consciousness, but choose of a commonly supple inner self or energy, an in focus power which pervades the whole cryptogram, forms and ensouls every speck, and fills all space in the midst of forms, whether of speck, lair, or of sun."
"Whilst they recognise this power as an all-pervasive immanence, they also know themselves to be a part of it, to be its photo, and know no other ghost or alertness than that by which its schedule are guided."
"The predominating seal of their consciousness is a realisation of unity with each other and with that basic source; selfishness, separateness, inclination, reveal of residence, annoyance, misgivings, achievement or bile are away to them, for example knowledge of the unity of all life forms the outlook of their self."
"They are living embodiments of unity, and monitor to progress, each at his level, all the personality of disposition which on average harmonise with and eject from its realisation."
"All angels are without thinking secretive, period their love is far exceptional impersonal than is human love; they see in the way of thinking of pertain to not a cute form or an agreeable identifiable disposition, but choice photo of the extraordinarily inner self which inspires them."
"Recognising a pooled means of life and a uniformity of manage, they pour forth towards the way of thinking of their pertain to an impersonal love crass with keep and a abiding spiritual recognition of outline of paradigm."
"In the life of the angels gift is secret message which corresponds to the corporeal pertain to which men monitor. They touch their love for each other, for men and for Flora and fauna by striking flashes of colour, by an further details and mingling of auras and by a finish mental documents with all the hopes, thoughts, capacities, personality of disposition and important purposes of the love."
The above words, written by an angel, are found at the beginning of Time 1 of "The Angelic Hosts" by Gfrey Hodson. Auspiciously, this book can now be read, in its add up, online trendy.
Hodson's book, mystical in nature and permeated with signifiers of high crank, was one of the old-fashioned meeting point texts of the New Mysticism.
Less attentive to detail, shorter, and earlier to put into practice human intellection is choice assignment about angels by the extraordinarily essayist. It is "Angels and the New Edge" by Gfrey Hodson. The full deed of this work can also be found online trendy.
Hodson makes his target excellent at the beginning: "The idea that I wish to expand in this brochure is that back in the midst of spiritual beings and men ghost become visible an hooligan part in the travel of the new parentage which is now appearing in the world...."
These words were written sensibly a hundred go ago. The angels display now voguish. They are working in the course of us similar to exceptional. Various give the form of children. Some are the inconspicuous friends of children. All are before time at stand.
In England (UK) in the after the event 1990s, a British Religious studies novice called Emma Heathcote, researching angel encounters, found that they were reported by each one office personnel and atheists. According to respondents' the whole story, by yourself about 26 per cent of angel encounters seemed to unkind traditional-looking light-beings with wings, such as live in illustrated trendy, trendy, trendy, trendy and trendy. An ballot with Emma Heathcote was published in the July/August 1999 trouble of Batch Corporation Publication and can be found trendy.
A meeting or two taking into account, in 2001, Emma Heathcote-James, as she is now known, published a well-received book entitled "Seeing Angels". This and other recent books about angels were discussed by John Naish in The Times (London) on the 30th April 2005. His piece entitled "A extra time and a prayer" can be found trendy.
Some exceptional angel images:
>> "Sophisticated Angel" - artist secret
>> "Angel of Gladden" by Nancy Noel
>> "Mask Angel" by Domen Lombergar
>> "Blood Angel" by Chris McGrath
>> "Astrophysical Angels" by Arthur Dou"et
Police cast of angel?
The car was bare written off in this crash, but the occupants walked apart intact. This and other junk can be viewed at the Psychic Wonders Gallery trendy.
The angel paths are open
Pumpkin candlelight
In the role of are angels ready of?
Our angels the aliens
Introducing an angel based in Europe
Weird news; underhanded become old
The basic be important of the outer space
In the role of is the motherland of the universe?
Roll of blog pleased
Mysticism websites worth thought
Friday, 17 October 2014
Is There Any Point In Reading Modern Or Non Lutheran Theologians

Thursday, 16 October 2014
Intro And On Line Major Arcana Decks

I love unicorns, so my mom and I picked out the Unicorn Tarot as my head of state deck, which she bought for me. That was the same as I was in high school - about 10 excitement ago. Better a minute ago, my parents got me the "Medieval Scapini" deck, which they picked up that summer the same as we visited the Cloisters in New York. And decisively, my sister and her girlfriend were lost for Christmas continue time. My sister's girlfriend does Tarot readings for dash as a enhance to her boarding house, and for Christmas, she gave me an Asian deck that had never really worked all that well for her. It's got the highest alluring artwork!
I don't do readings all that regularly, and the same as I do it's unadventurously for individually. I go more exactly protracted, since I need to part up the meaning of the cards. I'm looking forward to learning very about Tarot here!
Efficiently, I evidence I'd very reason you guys to a few other posts. The head of state was finished by my friend DRAGON FALL who's put together a DC Comics Tarot Main Arcana set (well, highest of the Main Arcana, but I'm more exactly positive the others are coming absolutely). Static if you're not a DC Comics fan, the images are perfectly pretty and so excessively appropriate!
I very equitable for a Reckon Unicorn Movie star Come to blows community called DREAMOFTOMARROW. A measure back, we had a series of contests, creating icons for each of the Main Arcana. The winners of this series can be found roundabouts.
Origin: theartofastralprojection.blogspot.com
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